Book: Finishing The Race

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Dr. Kenneth Walters, Pastor – Southside Baptist Church, Rock Hill, SC

I attended  a newly formed Independent Baptist Fellowship (GIBF) in Tampa, Florida in 2002. While sitting alone during a break in the meetings a gentleman stopped by and introduced himself. It was Robert Lewis. As a result of  that meeting, we developed a lifelong friendship. I am amazed at his accomplishments. He is a church planter in Rhode Island and Bagdad, Iraq,  author, a helper to hurting churches, a friend to pastors and missionaries, and has made a number of missionary trips preaching and teaching in many countries. We have enjoyed and appreciated his ministry preaching to us at Southside Baptist Church, Rock Hill, SC. In this book, he deals with the pastor and his ministry, and especially as a pastor passes the baton to the next pastor. He makes the case that not all preachers are called to pastor. Some are called to evangelism, to help hurting churches, to teach young preachers, and some to teach in a Bible College  and other areas that make up the full spectrum of ministry. As you read this book you will sense the love and passion Bro. Lewis has for the ministry. As one reads The Race of Life, he will be reminded of the Lord’s calling on his life. As the young preacher reads this book, it will help him avoid some of the pitfalls that some of us older preachers had to work through.

David H. Lydick, Pastor Emeritus – Midlands Bible Baptist Church, Bellevue, NE

Robert Lewis has been my friend for nearly 30 years.  I knew about him long before that.  Our friendship was formed in the midst of trials and hardship, as we stood together against a liberal drift in our association of Baptist pastors.  This work, Finishing the Race of Life, is a timely, needed resource, written by one who “knows what he is talking about” – one, through personal experience and scriptural truth, spotlights principles that are key to one day hearing, “Well done, thou good and faithful servant.”  Such a hearing should be the desire of every servant of God.

Jason Bissonnette – Blackstone, MA

I’m thrilled to know that the experiences and perspectives of what the Christian life can and should be, (much of which I was honored to hear firsthand by Pastor Lewis from my youth up), will be available to be a help to others for years to come. The vast number of examples of personal growth is sufficient to encourage any believer to continue their own race “till the end”.

David Peterman, Pastor – Open Bible Baptist Church, Ascutney, VT

Robert Lewis has been a mentor to me for many years. His wise counsel and his candor coupled with his humble spirit have been used of God to help me in the varying churches that I ministered in Philadelphia, Maine, and now Vermont. I wholeheartedly recommend this book and the man that wrote it. My life and ministry have been enriched by this man.

David Davis, Pastor – Grace Bible Baptist Church, Vernon, CT

I Just finished reading your book and was blessed by the content.  It is well written and authentic.  The humility and honesty with which you write comes across clearly as someone desiring to be an encourager of brothers in the race.  There are many good reminders and thoughtful insights for those already advanced in the race and those just starting out.  Finishing the Race is something I think will be a blessing to all who read and consider it.  Thanks for writing it.

Thomas J. Morris, CEO Club Exploria

I have known Bob Lewis for over 50 years.  During that time, I have had the privilege of watching him grow into a faithful pastor and preacher, unapologetically proclaiming the Gospel of Christ.  I’ve seen him as the mentee early in his ministry, as well as the mentor passing the baton of the legacy of his work in Christ.  It was my honor to be a layman under his pastorate for some time and be able to receive his instruction in my life.  More than that, however, is that I now can call him a friend.  What a wonderful and timely book, outlining how we should yield to the mentoring that God has placed in our lives. 

Cover of book published in 2021 By Robert Lewis

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